Virginia Stotts Erickson Hartley

Virginia Stotts Erickson Hartley, age 87, of Ferndale, passed away June 17, 2024. She was born Jan 1, 1937, in Boley, Oklahoma to John Duke and Mae Warren Stotts. Virginia was the second to youngest of 11 children.

Virginia is survived by her husband Richard Hartley, sister Ola Holland, her children Teri Johnson, Ronda Scott, Sheila Barichello, and Brian Erickson, stepdaughter Dominique Martin and their spouses, also by her many grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Virginia was known by many different nick names and titles, including Ginny Lou, Mom, Ma, Granny. 

Virginia always had a wicked sense of humor. She would say things so dry it would take moments to catch the brilliant humor. She raised her children to learn to laugh at themselves and not take life too seriously. Her home was filled with love, laughter and constant banter. 

Virginia loved to entertain and would host many of the family gatherings. Family was of utmost importance to Virginia, she took the time out of her busy life to travel back to Oklahoma and Texas to visit loved ones. 

Virginia loved to deer and elk hunt and family vacations revolved around those hunting seasons. Hours around the campfire or playing poker during these trips were always a fond memory for her and she spoke of them often. 

She would speak her mind, but with kindness and the best of intentions. First, to admit she was not perfect, but she liked and respected herself and would seek others to do the same. Bold, strong, independent, intelligent, loving, kind, faithful are only a few of the words that come to mind describing Virginia. 

Able to do whatever she set her mind to, she knitted, painted, made clothes, made jewelry, made clocks, and was able to repair anything from a toaster to an adding machine. She had many talents and would never shy away from something she had never done. 

She was the wife of a career military man Raymond Erickson and supported him in all ways possible while he was off to war or stationed at home during peace. Moving often due to the military, Virginia and family were able to live in many parts of the country, which she enjoyed. 

Long years raising four children alone while dad was overseas were a testament to the strength she had. When they retired from the Air Force, they eventually moved to Nooksack, where they finished raising their kids. In 1986, Virginia was widowed at the age of 49 when her husband, and father of their four children passed. 

Virginia remarried years later in 1993 to Maj. Richard Hartley, a retired Army soldier. Together they built a wonderful life in Ferndale, remaining close to family locally and across the country. 

They were active in their kids and grandkids lives, blessing them in so many ways. 

Richard and Virginia were able to travel the world with plenty of great trips, both stateside and abroad. Spain, Germany, England, Hawaii and New Zealand to name a few. While in New Zealand, Virginia was able to get to know Roy and Eva, who were Richard’s lifelong friends. She even got to go hunting for New Zealand deer. 

Virginia held a deep faith in Jesus and lived a life demonstrating his love. We mourn her passing but celebrate a life well lived. 

We love you mom; we will miss you until we get to join you. 

Join us in celebrating the life of Virginia Stotts Erickson Hartley at 2 p.m. Sunday, July 14, 2024 at First Baptist Church, 5759 Vista Drive, Ferndale.