Obituary Submission

  • The Lynden Tribune and Ferndale Record Obituary Submission Policy: The deadline for submitting is 10:00 a.m. Monday. Late submissions will be published the following week. Notices can be submitted online using the form below, or email The obituary will appear in both The Lynden Tribune and the Ferndale Record and on and Submitted obituaries will be edited only for grammatical errors and/or libelous content. We do not include the website on local funeral homes. (A “must have” situation, such as a funeral home is out of area, or a particular video reference may be considered). Obituaries will be accepted from either funeral homes or families. You will be contacted for payment after the obituary is submitted. Payment can be billed through a funeral home or made in advance by families. PRICING FOR TEXT ONLY OBITUARY: The first two column inches (about 60 words) of copy without a photo containing basic information run for a $12 charge. Additional copy will be charged at $17.50 per column inch. An obituary notice may run an additional week at a reduced rate. PRICING FOR TEXT AND PHOTO OBITUARY: Any obituaries with photo(s) will be charged $17.50 per column inch for ALL copy, plus an additional $7 charge per photo, maximum 2 photos per obituary. An obituary notice may run an additional week at a reduced rate. Following your submission you will be contacted with the final price and payment options. If you have any questions, please call 360-354-4444 or e-mail
  • Artwork

    Max. 2 photos per Obituary. High resolution (300dpi) required. You can also submit hard copies in person to the staff at either The Lynden Tribune or Ferndale Record. Photos will be scanned and returned to you.
  • Max. file size: 10 MB.
  • Max. file size: 10 MB.
  • Solve the equation