Letter to the Editor

  • The Lynden Tribune and Ferndale Record newspapers encourage guest opinions as well as letters to the editor. However, submissions must refrain from attacking individuals without providing supporting documentation or a rational and legally defensible justification. Letters should be emailed to editor@lyndentribune.com and must be received by noon Monday if they are to publish in that Wednesday’s newspaper. If letters cannot be sent electronically, they may be typewritten or neatly handwritten and must be received by Friday if they are to publish in the following Wednesday’s newspaper. Letters should not exceed 300 words. Guest opinions may not exceed 500 words and must include a clear photograph of the author. Your letter or guest opinion must include your full name, complete address and telephone number. Your address and telephone number will not be printed in the newspaper, but will be used for verification by newspaper staff. Neither unsigned letters nor letters containing personal attacks of a libelous nature will be published. The Tribune and Record newspapers reserve the right to edit or refuse any letter. Furthermore, space limitations may also preclude letters from being published. All columns and letters on the opinion page are the views of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Lynden Tribune or Ferndale Record newspaper.
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