Latest Opinion

Gravy Days: All that matters in life, really

  Getting older brings to mind questions like “What’s really important?” and “What do I want to accomplish before I die?” and “Why is hair growing there?” Those of ...

Gravy Days: Five opinions for the price of one

Sometimes it’s hard to narrow a column down to just one topic. So this time I didn’t even try. Here are my thoughts on the following: A 14-pound baby was born in Florida a few weeks ...

Guest Opinion: Rural America — It’s really complicated

by Brian Depew Center for Rural Affairs There are two closely-held, widely believed, narratives about rural America. The national media narrative, with roots in the 1980s farm crisis, ...


• 100 years ago Prepared to feed 2,000 at celebration — Friday, February 26, 1915 The Mount Vernon Cream company and the businessmen of Ferndale have prepared to feed 2,000 people ...

Letters for Feb. 25

Reasonable discussion needed It seems reasonable to me that the U.S. Army Corps declined to stop the review process for the Gateway shipping terminal. As leaders in our community, the ...

When sacred and secular meet in the public square

by Jon Mutchler The first hybrid beast I remember was the cartoon centaur Newton— the half boy/half horse creature from the 1960s cartoon series “The Mighty Hercules.” We’re ...

Opinion: The Ferndale School District embraces community culture

Linda Quinn Ferndale School District Superintendent The Ferndale community is a rich blend of many different cultures. Our goals in the Ferndale School District are to honor and celebrate ...