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Letters to the Editor — July 22, 2015

Candidate responds to citizen concern   A citizen in last week’s Record (7/15/2015) wrote to argue that my career as the pastor of a neighborhood church precludes me from serving ...

A real estate ‘perfect storm’

by Brent McMillan, Real Estate Specialist, Windermere Whatcom Inc.   Welcomingly, the questions I hear constantly are, “What’s the housing market like here in Ferndale?” and ...

Letters to the Editor — July 15, 2015

Supports Bersch   In the cross I see the vertical as primary, the horizontal as important, but secondary. So that cross represents all I hold dear: God first, people second.   As ...

Letters to the Editor — July 8, 2015

Supports Reta   I would like to voice my support for Manuel Reta, a long-time Ferndale business owner who is running for mayor.   One of my cousins has been serving as mayor ...

You just can’t beat ‘Jurassic Park’

For me, no summer movie has yet topped 1993 classic By Brent Lindquist [email protected] Colin Trevorrow’s “Jurassic World,” the fourth movie in the “Jurassic Park” ...

Letters to the Editor — July 1, 2015

Supports Mutchler   I’m backing Jon Mutchler for Mayor of Ferndale. Will you join me? Ferndale has prospered in a difficult time under the strong leadership of its current mayor, ...

Letters to the Editor — June 24, 2015

Concerned about Lummis blocking GPT   I am concerned that there is a war going on against working people in Washington. The Gateway project is in the middle of preparing an environmental ...

Shopping and frosting: two important decisions

by Sue Ann Crockett   Once I wrote a column about how people encourage others to be outraged concerning causes they feel are important. I understand this mentality, the wanting ...

Easy recipe makes ballpark favorite a kitchen breeze

  Growing up near St. Louis, one of my favorite summer activities was spending an afternoon at Busch Stadium. It was always so much fun to watch the Cardinals play, soak up the ...

Gravy Days: All that matters in life, really

  Getting older brings to mind questions like “What’s really important?” and “What do I want to accomplish before I die?” and “Why is hair growing there?” Those of ...