Owen Benjamin Morton

On May 17, 2024, Owen Benjamin Morton tragically died as a result of a dirt bike accident at Hannegan Speedway. At just 14 years old, he was thrilled to be getting into racing.

For a boy who hated to lose, Owen embraced every bit of falling down and getting back up at the track. He didn’t mind being teased by his best friends Rhyder and Elliot, who were there to support him during his first races. He gave himself the grace to be a beginner and loved every element of dirt biking, never minding losing to girls or anyone else.

Owen was likely at his happiest leading up to the point where he ultimately could not get back up. 

Owen was born on Jan. 11, 2010. He spent most of his life on Central Road in Everson. Just last year, he moved to Ferndale but stayed in the Meridian School District where he had grown up. Owen was looking forward to living with his dad in Burlington and trying a new school in September. He grew up on a lot of land and, although at one point he lived with nine chickens, two cats and a dog, he never had enough pets. He always held animals close to his heart. 

Life was not always easy for Owen. Although one could consider him practically a professional at defeating himself, he was a brilliant problem solver. He was a quiet child, sometimes overwhelmed by chaos and rowdiness, but he would honor these pieces of himself and learned to grow around his challenges.

Owen was also silly, witty and quite charming to be around. He was kind and sensitive. Like most middle schoolers, school was not his favorite thing, but he loved playing percussion in jazz band. He enjoyed all different kinds of music and often looked forward to his bass lessons. 

He was active and enjoyed the freedom of riding around town on his bicycle, alone or with friends. If he wasn’t avoiding homework while playing video games, he found more creative ways to do so. He was quite talented at drawing pickles and helped others find their own similar talent as he recruited many other pickle-drawing artists. 

Many are heartbroken by Owen’s unexpected loss and are wishing for more time with this beautiful soul.

Owen will always be loved deeply by his parents and sister: Benjamin Morton, Tiffany Morton, and Piper Morton, along with many others. Please join in remembering Owen on June 8 from 3-5:30 p.m. at Evergreen Gardens, 698 W. Pole Road, Ferndale. This is a chance to gather, laugh, cry, and share the love that will live on in our hearts.

To share your memories of Owen please visit the Moles Farewell Tributes and Crematory website.